An official marathon visit to Brazil, visiting Foreign Minister Linkevičius on Tuesday met with the head of the country's diplomatic Vijeira Maurin (Mauro Vieira) and the Development, Industry and Foreign Trade General Vice Minister Ivan Ramalho (Ivan Ramalho).
"Today we are talking about cooperation on innovation, life sciences, agriculture and tourism, where we see mutual benefits. A good start for further development of economic relations between the Brazilian government gave permission to export fish products to Lithuania 200 million users having the Brazilian market," - said L. Linkevičius.
The meetings discussed the possibility of speeding up the Lithuanian marathon dairy exports marathon to Brazil authorization procedures, preparation of economic cooperation and the exchange of information in tax matters agreement, agreed marathon to speed up the legal assistance and the exchange of convicts signing of the agreements.
No. Linkevičius invited Brazilian students to study in Lithuanian higher education, the Brazilian government to use the program "Science without Borders and the European Union's Erasmus program + grants.
Brazil's marathon foreign minister marathon has accepted an invitation to visit Lithuania marked the official relations between Lithuania and Brazil anniversary - 2016. reaches the age of 85 years from the time of the establishment of diplomatic relations, and 25 years after their recovery in 1991.
Brazil's foreign minister said, we do appreciate Lithuanian origin Brazilian citizens contribution to the history of Brazil - symbolic that even two Brazilian foreign ministers have Lithuanian roots, and the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs building is decorated with the famous Brazilian marathon artist, marathon exiled from Lithuania Lazarus Segal sculpture. It was noted that Brazil is home to about 250 thousand people of Lithuanian descent.
The ministers also discussed the EU-Brazil relationship, world diplomacy and regional issues. No. Linkevičius noted that the international community must send a clear unified Russia message condemning Russia's actions with regard to Ukraine.
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